Why choose Facau?
Following a thorough analysis of needs, Facau offers the Client the ability to obtain a customized project and a financial estimate for the planned intervention, against a minimal expense reimbursement, valid for six months from the assignment date.
If the realization is then commissioned, this reimbursement will not be due.
With over 85 years in the market.
Specialization and Passion
In creating business interiors.
With a proprietary system to optimize human resource performance through the iOlab method discover > design < deliver.
Research and selection
Through ongoing market exploration to identify the best products and services, ensuring customized and efficient solutions.
Given by not being producers, we freely choose the most suitable solutions for our clients, offering them a synthesis of both made in Italy and international excellence.
General Contractor
Through a comprehensive network of skills and professionalism, we offer the client a single point of contact, ensuring adherence to budgets, timelines, and quality of expected results.
Facau stays close to its Clients wherever they are, integrating the application of online services with expertise in managing long-distance projects.
Let’s build something great.
Via della Croce Rossa, 42
Via Luigi Moretti, 2
“Voucher” incentives to SMEs for the acquisition of services aimed at promoting innovation activities Dpreg 165/2019 – Notice 2019 – Practice n. prot. 57149 of 11/18/2019 – Management resolution no. 1007 of 10/19/2020
Description: strategic marketing project for Facau Srl – Product and process innovation
Amount of admitted expenditure: 30,100.00
Contribution granted: 15,050.00
POR FESR Contribution 2014-2020 Activity 1.2.a. – Line of intervention 1.2.a.1. – Call 2020 – Process and organizational innovation project – Prat.n. 316/2020 – RNA Code – COR 3640361 – CUP Code D94E20001280007
Project description: Implementation of a new integrated software and hardware system capable of innovating the organization and process of CRM-VTE, pre-sales and digital marketing activities, post-sales and management activities.
Amount of eligible expenditure: 94,252.48 euros
Contribution granted: 56,551.49 euros
Chamber of Commerce Pordenone – Udine
Notional contribution in the form of services for an amount corresponding to euro 1,050.00 provided under the de minimis regime “RNA-COR concession code” n. 10586550.
Project “First steps for exports 2022”
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