Office Design
Office design is a delicate task that must balance functionality with aesthetics. A new workspace should allow occupants to perform optimally. This certainly means furnishing that provides surfaces and elements specifically designed for the intended activity, but also the ability to operate in an environment that is pleasant, healthy, and well-lit. In short, well-being and comfort are now key factors, without overlooking the brand’s essence, which should fully resonate even in the details that define the space.
Facau’s Office Musts
Light, space, and interior design are the three major thematic areas that make office design a true discipline. To understand its complexity, let’s take a closer look at its elements.
A bright environment is undoubtedly ideal for work. Neuroscience has identified natural light as beneficial for well-being and creativity. But what if the office is inherently dark with small or improperly placed windows? Here, the skill and experience of a company with nearly a century of experience in office design can make a significant difference. Facau, through continuous study and research, supports clients with smart, innovative, technological, and effective solutions such as the latest generation of LED lights, backlit walls, opalescent or transparent walls. By relying on experts, even dimly lit spaces can be transformed into places where work becomes enjoyable and productive.
Space Management
Increasing studies have shown that open spaces are not always the ideal solution because concentration can be difficult when many people share the same space. Here too, like with light management, Facau can provide highly effective solutions to give the client company the ideal office. For space division, for example, Facau can create interesting office furniture solutions using sound barriers, glass panels, wood or innovative materials, movable walls, and design dividers like bookcases or equipped walls. There are also smart and visually appealing solutions to reduce ceiling height using raised floors or fiber or wooden false ceilings.
Interior design
All Facau creations are effective, innovative, and enhance the company’s image through design. Green walls, decorative accessories, designer ergonomic chairs, and lighting schemes: Facau offers tailor-made solutions always aiming for maximum functionality, low maintenance, and enduring beauty.
Interior design: the operational phases
Interior Design: Operational Phases
All Facau creations are effective, innovative, and enhance the company’s image through design. Green walls, decorative accessories, designer ergonomic chairs, and lighting schemes: Facau offers tailor-made solutions always aiming for maximum functionality, low maintenance, and enduring beauty.
Initial Client Meeting
This meeting provides an opportunity to meet the client personally, understand their business, the daily challenges they face, and the goals they wish to achieve with the creation of a new office.
Site Visit
After getting acquainted with the client, Facau’s technical team conducts a site visit to assess the space and gather the necessary data to draft an initial proposal.
The Project Manager
To simplify the entire process for the client, Facau assigns a Project Manager to each project, who serves as the sole point of contact. This professional is always updated, present, active, and ready to respond to all requests with kindness and availability.
Sharing of Initial Layout
This first document is crucial in office design as it provides a foundation from which to start and is also useful for discussions with the client and those who will use the space.
Project Preview
Once all information and directions are received, the Facau technicians create an executive project and use the latest 3D rendering technology to provide the client with as realistic a view as possible of the intended outcome.
Selection and Proposal of Materials
After selecting the materials and furnishing elements that best suit the project both technically and aesthetically, the proposals are presented to the client along with the reasons for the choices.
Progress Phase
Once all specifications are decided, specific graphics are created to provide a very accurate overview of the final result. Changes can still be made during this phase if requested by the client.
Thanks to the ‘turnkey’ approach, the design of the offices is followed through to completion, performed by Facau’s team of technicians, supported by experienced suppliers and craftsmen.
iOlab: discover, design, deliver
iOlab is a Facau proprietary method, registered with the Authors company and protected by copyright. This was created to give companies solutions capable of promoting performance through the study of organizational culture, communication mapping and the creation of advanced design solutions. Over time, this method has given life to iOlab-NET, a network of multidisciplinary professionals and companies in the workplace.
iOlab operates following a certain protocol which is identified in three operational moments:
An observation phase during which experts observe, interview, uncover, and analyze both the explicit and latent needs of the client.
The creation of a customized project that consolidates all the results from the observation phase.
The development of environments that enhance the performance of individuals and thus companies, potentially boosting productivity by up to 25%.
IoLab is a significant advantage in office design as it helps companies gain greater flexibility, attract and retain talent, and increase productivity.
Regulations for the Safe Design of Offices and Worker Health in the Workplace:
Let’s build something great.
Via della Croce Rossa, 42
Via Luigi Moretti, 2
“Voucher” incentives to SMEs for the acquisition of services aimed at promoting innovation activities Dpreg 165/2019 – Notice 2019 – Practice n. prot. 57149 of 11/18/2019 – Management resolution no. 1007 of 10/19/2020
Description: strategic marketing project for Facau Srl – Product and process innovation
Amount of admitted expenditure: 30,100.00
Contribution granted: 15,050.00
POR FESR Contribution 2014-2020 Activity 1.2.a. – Line of intervention 1.2.a.1. – Call 2020 – Process and organizational innovation project – Prat.n. 316/2020 – RNA Code – COR 3640361 – CUP Code D94E20001280007
Project description: Implementation of a new integrated software and hardware system capable of innovating the organization and process of CRM-VTE, pre-sales and digital marketing activities, post-sales and management activities.
Amount of eligible expenditure: 94,252.48 euros
Contribution granted: 56,551.49 euros
Chamber of Commerce Pordenone – Udine
Notional contribution in the form of services for an amount corresponding to euro 1,050.00 provided under the de minimis regime “RNA-COR concession code” n. 10586550.
Project “First steps for exports 2022”
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